The way many Americans pronounce this word has become one of my major pet peeves. I’ve researched everywhere I can think of and asked everyone who I though might have the answer as to where we got the idea that there is an “eye” sound in the name, typically mispronounced as “IZ-RYE-YELL.” The following video demonstrates how the name is actually pronounced.
What difference does it make whether or not we mispronounce Israel? First, God is the one who renamed Jacob, Israel. Second, it is customary in etiquette to pronounce someone’s name as they pronouce it. To do otherwise is a sign of disrespect. After all, Israel is the apple of God’s eye. (Zachariah 2:8) It’s true that many will continue to mispronounce the name out of ignorance. You, however, cannot now plead ignorance. I hope you will take every opportunity to “get it right.”