(Note: The plain text and the black-on-white “P” label indicate text to be sung by the Pastor. The bold text and the black-on-white “C” label indicate text to be sung by the Congregation.)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
Greeting: The Lord be with you(Art Gorman)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
Song of Praise(Art Gorman)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
Gospel Acclamation: Al-le-lu-le, Alleluia(Art Gorman)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
Create In Me(Art Gorman)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
Great Thanksgiving(Art Gorman)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
The Lord's Prayer(Art Gorman)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
Lamb of God(Art Gorman)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
Send Us Forth In Peace(Art Gorman)

Chicago Folk Service
Stephen Jones, keyboard, vocals2023
Blessing(Art Gorman)