Is Abortion the New Slavery?

Looking back from our “more enlightened” age at our founding fathers and the birth of America as a new nation gives a loft sense of giddy superiority. What were they thinking by continuing to allow slavery when they wrote the Constitution?

And this, folks, is how easy it is to feel some kind of moral superiority to those poor, ignorant, miscreants (aka scumbags) who practiced slavery, the ultimate cruelty perpetrated by man against another human being.

Funny how the use of the phrase “more enlightened” just rolls off the tongue as if it’s self-evident that we are so advanced and superior these days. I actually wrote this with a tinge of sarcasm because I believe a case could be made for the opposite. We may have many technological advancements but we can’t truthfully say we ended slavery.

That’s right. Slavery is alive and well in the world. It’s even alive and well in the good old USA. You can pretend you didn’t know all you like but it’s just called something else these days: human trafficking, or sex slave trade. Some of the trafficked victims actually end up doing manual labor against their will.

Back in colonial America, before we gained our independence, the tradition and practice of slavery was imported from Europe. I’m not suggesting its origin as some excuse. And there were many different kinds of slavery. Securing passage to the New World from Europe was costly, and out of reach for any but the very wealthy. That’s why many would voluntarily offer themselves up as indentured servants as payment in order to get to America. For many, this became a necessity to escape persecution for religious beliefs. For others, this was the prospect of claiming real estate and finding gold.

Acceptable and Commonplace

The reason for my question at hand goes at the very heart of the abortion issue. In those days slavery had become so commonplace that people eventually came to regard the practice as acceptable, even a right. They saw their station in life as an accident of birth so it wasn’t anyone’s fault that they were wealthy enough to have slaves and the slaves were grateful to find a benevolent, rich master able to afford to hire them.

In these <ahem> “enlightened” times we have come to see abortion as one of the many options when it comes to planned parenthood. After all, a woman has right to autonomy over her own body. In fact, to even suggest that she not be permitted to have an abortion seems an injustice on par with rape. She never gave assent to becoming impregnated and now, how dare anyone suggest she be forced to bear the offspring of such a violation. And, even when there is no rape, shouldn’t the mother be able to choose whether to “keep” the baby.

My point is that the practice of abortion is as commonplace as getting a tattoo, a piercing, a nose job, a chin lift, or a gastronomic bypass. It’s just a procedure and the problem goes away. It’s not expensive and many clinics offer the service free of charge. In fact, just regard it as another form of birth control. Bottom line, no painful delivery, no labor, and no postpartum responsibilities of raising the child. And, heaven forbid we ever go back to the days of back alley abortions.

All Objections Are Silent

When slavery was the law of the land, the disparity of class meant the slaves had no rights and were unequal to their masters. None of the slaves could stand up and say to their master “I don’t have to take this abuse. I’m out of here.” There were runaway slaves but most of them were caught and either put back into servitude or killed as an example and deterrent to others who might be like-minded. The slaves had no liberty because they were less than human: they were just property to be sold, traded, purchased, or disposed of. Not only were they without rights, they had no representation. They weren’t even considered citizens. You might even say they weren’t even regarded as human.

It has become customary to refer to the unborn child as a “fetus” from the Latin, meaning “offspring, young animal” which has led some to regard it as mass of tissue, not a child, and definitely less than human. This seems strange to me because with any other mammal we have no problem recognizing that what is inside the mother is the infant offspring of said mammal. A pregnant cow most obviously has a baby calf inside. I think the reason some have so much trouble equating “fetus” with “unborn child” has to do with the implications of what abortion means.

What is abortion? According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition, abortion is “induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of the embryo or fetus.” It would seem less egregious if this were just a removal of some tissue, similar to removing a tumor. I’m pretty sure that’s what most people think of when they think abortion.

Let’s just ask ourselves a simple question: “What if abortion was actual infanticide?” There was a time just asking this question was horrific and unthinkable. Now, there is a new breed of abortion activist that believes it is the mother’s right to kill her baby (infanticide) so it’s a waste of time coming to terms with what is actually going on. This position, though very recent, is more commonplace than you might imagine. No longer is the argument that the fetus is an unborn child, so it’s murder. The mask is off and it’s ugly. There is now a big movement that says it’s within the right of a mother to kill her baby, no matter how late term, even after the baby has been born. To me this is horrifying.

Even though the slave was powerless, he/she could cry out and be heard in their suffering. Not so with the unborn. When babies are being killed in the womb there is none but God to hear their silent cries of pain and anguish. Their death isn’t instantaneous. We now have scientific proof that they can feel pain and suffer an agonizing death as they are ripped apart or burned with chemicals.

In Conclusion

As with slavery, abortion these days has become acceptable and we have yet to reach a point in our culture where it has become as widely regarded as an injustice. Maybe it was easier to see slavery as wrong because we could see, hear, and read of the cruelty and inhuman treatment they had to suffer. The slaughter of the unborn through abortions is a modern day holocaust but nobody can hear their screams and no one is forced to even see their ordeal.

My biggest sorrow is that none of the abortion advocates, whether Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion, will even assent to the proposition we should have less abortions. They love to kill their babies and heaven help anyone who tries to stop them. I’m not sure criminalizing mothers having abortions or doctors performing them is the solution. Neither am I favor of outlawing abortions which will again lead to women dying from botched back alley abortions. What we need is a dialog and more enlightenment so, as a society, we can eventually say it’s wrong so we’re not going to do it anymore. The next generation may very well look back at this time and marvel at our inhumane practice of abortion the same way we look back when slavery was the law of the land. Maybe one day there will be a procedure to transplant the unborn child successfully from an unwilling mother to one who wants the child. i know, I’m a dreamer. But what other choice do I have? Color me silly, but I care about every life, no matter how small or defenseless. Are you with me?

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