P.D.Q. (Prof. Schickele) Channel

Click here to listen to the new PDQ Bach channel on LimeSoft Music

P.D.Q. Bach is a fairly obscure member of the Bach family (being the last, least, and certainly oddest of Johann Sebastian Bach’s 20-odd children) who lived from 1807-1742(?). As with much of his family, he began a career as a musician; unlike much of his family, he was both giftedly bad and extremely prolific. After his death, he was promptly forgotten by history, and most of his compositions were suppressed by the Bachs to protect the family name; what we do know of him is primarily the work of one Professor Peter Schickele (born July 17, 1935) of the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople. Schickele has spent much of his career not only researching the life of this obscure historical figure but also discovering his works and performing them for modern audiences.

GTA V – Good Gather

Grand Theft Auto V
(Viewer Advisory: This video depicts scenes of a violent nature. However, this is entirely a simulation. No actual persons, living or otherwise, were harmed nor was there any damage to actual property.)
A railroad crossing is the last place anyone would want to be, much less in a car. In the virtual world of GTA, this is exactly the kind of scenario that’s fun (yes, fun) to orchestrate. Very much like real life, none of the drivers seem willing to cooperate. But it’s not up to them. It’s up to me. Enjoy!

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Hans Zimmer – Interstellar Organ Suite (Salisbury Cathedral Organ) Richard McVeigh

In creating the Interstellar Suite, I have set out to recreate as authentically the music from the original soundtrack by listening to the score using a variety of high-quality headphones. Obviously, it would be impossible to include every note and sound from the original orchestration, but it has been my aim to reproduce the effects and colours that one hears when listening to the original soundtrack.