“I’ve been up since the dawn of crack.”
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“I’ve been up since the dawn of crack.”
Click here to listen to the new PDQ Bach channel on LimeSoft Music
P.D.Q. Bach is a fairly obscure member of the Bach family (being the last, least, and certainly oddest of Johann Sebastian Bach’s 20-odd children) who lived from 1807-1742(?). As with much of his family, he began a career as a musician; unlike much of his family, he was both giftedly bad and extremely prolific. After his death, he was promptly forgotten by history, and most of his compositions were suppressed by the Bachs to protect the family name; what we do know of him is primarily the work of one Professor Peter Schickele (born July 17, 1935) of the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople. Schickele has spent much of his career not only researching the life of this obscure historical figure but also discovering his works and performing them for modern audiences.
King Charles had two daughters and a son: Elena, Cristina, and Felipe. It was at Cristina’s wedding, you may recall, the band of would be thieves posed as musicians. This is the story of Cristina’s older sister, Elena.
Continue reading “A wedding, a dog, and tradition”Back in 16th century, Spain saw the ascension of Carlos to the throne and great was the divide between the wealthy royal class and the dirt poor serfs. The new king wanted more and levied the highest tax the country had ever seen. With no hope of relief in sight, a small band of thieves, “los pañuelos azules” (the blue bandanas), schemed how they might garner some of the royal treasure.
Continue reading “Weird origins of a popular musical instrument”Who doesn’t love magic? Who doesn’t love street magic? Who doesn’t love The King of Street Magic, David Blaine? Well, this isn’t David Blaine but it is magic and you will bust a rib laughing out loud at these parodies. Enjoy!!
Continue reading “David Blaine Parody”