(Note: The plain text and the black-on-white “A” label indicate text to be sung by the Worshiping Assistant. The bold text and the white-on-black “C” label indicate text to be sung by the Congregation.)
Continue reading “ELW Setting 4 (LBW Setting 2)”Play Hidden Atari Breakout Game
Sassy Jay PHP Sound
MeetAir Video Conferencing

I’m excited to announce the addition of video conferencing on my website.
Continue reading “MeetAir Video Conferencing”Wordsearch: Sewing 1
Protected: Your Light Has Come
Chicago Folk Service
(Note: The plain text and the black-on-white “P” label indicate text to be sung by the Pastor. The bold text and the black-on-white “C” label indicate text to be sung by the Congregation.)
Continue reading “Chicago Folk Service”Protected: The Shadow State
Psalm 8 (Sunday, January 1)
Advent Psalmody: Refrain by Marty Haugen / Psalm 8:1-10 Luther Tone 1
Continue reading “Psalm 8 (Sunday, January 1)”