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Why Batteries Die
by Alasdair Wilkins (July 14, 2017)
A battery never works better than the very first time you charge it up. It’s in their nature: They store energy for us, but they do so less efficiently each time we recharge them.

David Blaine Parody

Who doesn’t love magic? Who doesn’t love street magic? Who doesn’t love The King of Street Magic, David Blaine? Well, this isn’t David Blaine but it is magic and you will bust a rib laughing out loud at these parodies. Enjoy!!
Continue reading “David Blaine Parody”Sassy Jay’s Round Table

Click this link to visit https://round.scjbiz.com
This is my very own social networking site. Even though it’s no replacement for FaceBook it does work and act similarly. You can post status updates, share text, photos, audio (FB doesn’t even do this), and video. You can comment, click like, or share posts. There is even a chat feature that works like Messenger. If you have any questions just ask.
Continue reading “Sassy Jay’s Round Table”LimeSoft Music and Media Streaming
Wordsearch: Birds
Refrain Rehearsal

Portland Psalter
Stephen Jones, cantor/organist2022
Kyrie from “Now the Feast and Celebration”
Now the Feast and Celebration
Stephen Jones, cantor/organist2022